Other Vehicle Services

Other Vehicle Services

The first place to start when looking for information about a specific vehicle is your owner’s manual. The owner’s manual is the dusty, seldom used book found in the glove compartment of your car. You swore that you would read it cover to cover when you initially invested in your car! The information found in this document is representative of what you would find in your owner’s manual, but for the most accurate information, open the glove box and refer to the manufacture’s recommendations found in your vehicles owner’s manual. Generally, your vehicle needs some type of service every 3,000 miles. Manufacturers have also established major service intervals every 12,000 miles for some components and every 15,000-miles for others. Review your owner's manual for more specific information in relation to the vehicle you own. For more detailed informaton about oil changes, transmission, brake fluids and more, click on any of the associated links on this page.

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That's… Kruser with a 'K', Cool guys with a 'C'